Context Capture Editor supported the tech-preview for importing a reality mesh AT block exported from context capture. As CCeditor is no longer supported, it would be great to have this functionality available in Descartes.
The default settings when creating a production as Cesium 3D Tiles is with LOD on. The result is a very low graphic quality that keep getting better when zooming into the model. Please add an option to turn off the LOD so a good graphic quality mo...
Option to show thermal value on the 3D viewer on the model Not on the side of the screen
Please allow users to have the thermal value printed (shown) next to any point clicked on the thermal 3D model. Maybe have the readings in their own layer, this way users can turn off or on this layer.
Add option to trim/cut surface by curve tool to actually cut surface/shape and not create two surfaces by cut. Similar as region tool allows in 2D to keep intersection between two shapes but in 3D. Also keep shape elements as shape and don't conve...
In Survey tab the size of each picture is fixed - when the name of the picture is long it is only partial visible. Please add the ability to change the photo grid size to see the entire name of the picture.
Have a dashboard showing the status of all the active engines and job queues for CCCenter users To avoid checking each engines individually. Could be a key-differenciator for CCCenter.