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Set a maximum polygon count on obj files

When we export our mesh as a .obj file, we have the intention of later loading that obj file and displaying it on a Microsoft Hololens device. Unfortunately, the Hololens only supports rendering about 100,000 polygons at a time, so we need to be a...
Marc Rietman over 4 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 0

Perspective in view

As there are still no option to set offset when importing photos with bad GPS altitudes and no option to choose which metadata field from photo to use as altitude then at least there is need to have option to disable perspective in view display. B...
Oto Lukss over 4 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 3

Volume perimeter measurement showing in feet instead of yards

Would like to show volume perimeter measurements in feet instead of yards when units are set to Imperial. McVac is measuring volumes and could use perimeter measurement at the same time.
Kurt Rasmussen almost 5 years ago in ContextCapture Viewer 0 Already exists

More control on internal files when a crash occurs

In case of power cut or unexpected crash, it happens a block gets corrupted, leading to processing-days loss.It would be interesting to have a sort of back-up mechanism
Arnaud Durante almost 5 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 0

CCM files edition

Sometimes the system and or ContextCapture may crash, which may result in a corrupt CCM file. For this, the technical team can edit the CCM by removing the said corrupt block. In reality, the block is still present in the Project files folder. Th...
Bruneau St-Jean almost 5 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 0 Will not implement

Copy to clipboard option in the measuring tool

Have the possibility to copy X,Y,Z coordinates to clipboard when using CCviewer measuring tool. This would save a lot of time when extracting Reference points for Ground and Aerial merging
Lucas Gigodot almost 5 years ago in ContextCapture Viewer 0