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Update Camera Database

Offline users are installing ContextCapture and need to connect to the internet to get the updated Camera database. Please add the latest camera database (applied to the date of installation release) to be updated with the installation files.
Michael Kikinzon over 2 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 0

Add point cloud and orthophoto production to be viewed in Contextcapture Viewer

We shall be able to view point cloud/orthophoto production in ContextCapture Viewer (include 3D view tab).
Bruneau St-Jean over 4 years ago in ContextCapture Viewer 0

Add altitude offset to imported photos

As it turns out some UAVs set absolute barometric altitude as GPS altitude for photos which causes inconvenience with adjusting using GNSS Survey points which are using correct altitudes. What we need is an option to input an known vertical offset...
Oto Lukss over 3 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 0

Pointcloud colorization based on related orthophoto

Would like to be able to colorize point cloud in ContextCapture. If aerial lidar point cloud is not colorized there would be need for option to add companion orthophoto took at the same date which could be used as color source. Problem is that it ...
Arnaud Durante almost 5 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 0

Default SRS

Set the default Spatial Reference System to the last selection
Michael Kikinzon over 2 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 0

Use of DJI XMP tags in jpeg files

DJI drones write drone and camera direction in XMP tags stored in JPEG images.Example: MakerNotes Make DJI Speed X +5.80 Speed Y -3.40 Speed Z +0.00 Pitch -5.00 Yaw -29.00 Roll -2.10 Camera Pitch -46.50 Camera Yaw...
Vladimir almost 4 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 1

Add notes in CC Viewer

Would it be possible to add note taking in ContextCapture Viewer? I'm working on making 3D models of the seabed with ContextCapture and would like to be able to annotate my models with additional data (besides coordinates, distance, area and volum...
Bruneau St-Jean about 2 years ago in ContextCapture Viewer 0

Extract photos from E57 file

My understanding is that E57 files can contain both point cloud and photo data. Right now, ContextCapture can only extract the point cloud data from these files. My idea is to have ContextCapture also be able to extract the photo data from these f...
Iwan Kinal over 2 years ago in ContextCapture Cloud Processing Console 0

Hyperspectral Data

Please add the ability to import Hyperspectral SC file extension to ContextCapture.
Michael Kikinzon over 2 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 0

Automatic removal of objects above surface constraint

It would be useful be able to remove automatically any 3D objects such a boats when applying a surface constraint to bodies of water
Felix James about 4 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 0 Planned