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Custom threshold for the GCPs quality color code in the Calibration report

In the calibration report, the GCP might appear in orange or Red, eventhough the 2D and 3D error is under the final expected tolorance. Indeed, the color code is based on the reprojection error per pixel. It would be great to be able to manually d...
Sylvain Lotteau over 4 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 0

Utilize metadata.xml for georeferenced OBJ

When producing a georeferenced scene in Contextcapture in OBJ, CC generates a metadata XML file, but it is not read by CC viewer, nor by MicroStation. Other softwares have such ability and each use their different approach how to write SRS and its...
Oto Lukss over 4 years ago in ContextCapture Viewer 0

Implementation of a scan editor to successfully merge scans with original scan positions retained

User would like to me able to successfully merge scan and use them for processing. They currently have a workflow where they receive scans merged by a 3rd party that (in E57 format) have a mix of scan positions and where the origin is not central....
Felix James over 4 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 1

Need for an option to ignore N0,E0 gps coordinates

Photos without or wrong GPS data are imported in 0,0 coordinates this causes issues in 3D view display. There is need for an option to ignore N0,E0 gps coordinates. It could be similar message as message in status window for altitude reference.
Felix James over 4 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 0 Planned

Geocoordination systems - Many of the project systems available in other Bentley products (Microstation) are not available in contextcapture.

Contextcapture does not currently have these other systems easily accessible, what I would be looking for is US State defined systems that are available in Microstation, Descartes, etc. and would look to get these added instead of creating a custo...
Guest over 2 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 2

Layout Change, support multiple screens

Can I put in a request for future builds of Context Capture to have support for multiple screens?​​I've attached a markup , but the main points are:​ Photos able to be 'popped out' into a separate view.​ This separate view would also include the s...
Bruneau St-Jean over 4 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 1

Data Export from ContextCapture

We would like a .dgn export of the limits/extent of the reconstruction's area (this should be a closed shape). We have a requirement to orthorectify the full extents of the imagery captured. CC only rectifies to the reconstruction limits. With thi...
Marc Swartz over 2 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 0

Depth test against terrain

Enable Cesium depth test against terrain in Contextshare viewer so model doesn't float on top of terrain? Adjust elevation doesn't change that as the model still is in foreground and floats in front. Need button to switch depthTestAgainstTerrain :...
Oto Lukss over 4 years ago in Reality Data Web Viewer 1


Option create a 3mx mesh from only two images(stereo pair) similar as agisoft stereoscan. Also use known relative poses between the views in each stereo pair as fixed parameter. Like another camera type to camera rig.
Oto Lukss over 2 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 0

CC SDK trajectory import

User request: CC ccmasterkernel SDK trajectories handler import doesn't allow to import from other formats as only txt. It would be useful if trajectory could be imported directly to Trajectories class as points so for examp le custom binary form...
Bruneau St-Jean almost 5 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 0