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ECW format

Cloud doesn't give the option to produce small tiles. Need output format that is more manageable.
Oto Lukss over 1 year ago in ContextCapture Cloud Processing Service 0

New API: for retouching

No retouching workflow is supported right now with SDK. Can we support that?
Liang Gao over 3 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 0

change the import CRS for metadata

Hi, today with drone RTK, we have directly the metadata in national CRS and not in CRS WGS84 with EGM96. In France for example, we are in RGF93 and with RAF20. And cause to that, we can't use metadata directly. We need to import photo position man...
Arnaud Ollivier almost 2 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 0

3D view selection

Unable to rotate 3D view while in rectangle selection mode.
Oto Lukss almost 2 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 1

User tie point report

Ability to switch coordinate system under Survey Points tab-Reports. Now GCPs show in their coordinate system but user points in WGS84. Can't compare.
Oto Lukss almost 2 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 0

Solar exposure analysis in Editor

CC Editor is missing Solar Exposure analysis as in Microstation. There is no reason why Solar Exposure would be considered as vizualization tool and not analysis tool.
Oto Lukss almost 2 years ago in Bentley Descartes and ContextCapture Editor 0

Constraints as check points

Use user constraints similar to check points so they are reported in quality report but are not used in adjustment. Now if model is set on GCPs then only position accuracy is validated but it tells nothing about scale or scale factor.
Oto Lukss almost 2 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 0

Publish orthophotos

Workflow for publishing 2.5D orthophotos.
Oto Lukss almost 2 years ago in ProjectWise ContextShare 0

Elevated CPU usage while idle

Please resolve CPU usage while idle (Defect Report 988857) Seems it is not related to 3D view but to Spatial framework 3D view. Open it up then switch to other tab and close the project(without closing CC) and CPU will still be used excessively by...
Oto Lukss almost 2 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 1

DSM & DTM from Point Cloud for Orthorectification

Importing a point cloud for generation of DSM or DTM for orthomosaic workflows would allow a significant reduction in processing time. If the point cloud is LiDAR based, the DSM would also improve DSM based orthorectification in vegetated areas. C...
Jason Hagon almost 2 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 0