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Bentley Descartes and ContextCapture Editor

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Improve processing speed of Scalable Terrain Model with draped aerial rasters

When we make Scalable Terrain Model be draped with large-size aerial photos, processing speed is very slow, such as zoom in, zoom out, rotate etc.
shan li almost 2 years ago in Bentley Descartes and ContextCapture Editor 2

DSM for Ground Extraction

Add ability to create a thematic DSM from ContextCapture Editor after Ground Extraction
Michael Kikinzon about 2 years ago in Bentley Descartes and ContextCapture Editor 0

DGN Web-Ready

Please add the option to publish a "Web-Ready" DGN file with Reality mesh and all the elements such as lines, lines strings, point strings and text. The only option now is to publish a Web-Ready 3MX from ContextCapture Master.
Michael Kikinzon over 2 years ago in Bentley Descartes and ContextCapture Editor 2

Automatic Synced views

When working with multiple views Selecting a source View and then selecting a different View will zoom the second View to the source location but will keep the View orientation.
Michael Kikinzon over 2 years ago in Bentley Descartes and ContextCapture Editor 0

section tool that follows a line

It would be handy to have a section tool that cut a section along a path. Not cutting sections perpendicular to a path, but along one. I recently needed a section for a geotechnical engineer that veered from one bore hole to another. I could see t...
Scott Ernst over 2 years ago in Bentley Descartes and ContextCapture Editor 0

Reality Mesh AT Block Import

Context Capture Editor supported the tech-preview for importing a reality mesh AT block exported from context capture. As CCeditor is no longer supported, it would be great to have this functionality available in Descartes.
Jason Hagon 7 months ago in Bentley Descartes and ContextCapture Editor 0

ContextCapture Editor Changelog

In the website "Bentley ContextCapture Editor Readme" ( the section for "What's New" is very empty. On the other end, t...
Michael Kikinzon almost 2 years ago in Bentley Descartes and ContextCapture Editor 1

Crop surface

Add option to trim/cut surface by curve tool to actually cut surface/shape and not create two surfaces by cut. Similar as region tool allows in 2D to keep intersection between two shapes but in 3D. Also keep shape elements as shape and don't conve...
Oto Lukss 8 months ago in Bentley Descartes and ContextCapture Editor 0

Facade verticality report

Provide tools to report facade verticality difference survey. Could be similar to Volume calculation tool.
Oto Lukss 8 months ago in Bentley Descartes and ContextCapture Editor 0

Extract elevation point (plane)

Allow use extract elevation points in any view not only Top.Idea would be to use extract elevation points by providing custom plane so to annotate difference from plane. For example report vertical slant for facades.
Oto Lukss 8 months ago in Bentley Descartes and ContextCapture Editor 0