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ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center

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Incremental engine. Make it possible to add images to add to triangulation based on selection.

At this moment we need to add images to use the incremental engine, but it would be usefull if this can be selected from a part of the images that where rejected.
Marc Rietman over 4 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 1

Line selection in touchup tools

Use a line to cutt off parts of elements. It need to delete parts of triangles along the selection line.
Marc Rietman over 4 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 4 Planned

Problem Migrating older project to Update 16

User had found that there migration to Update 16 was failing on every attempt. the same error message would appear which was misleading: "Migration failed during backup process. Check you have enough disk space left on your project disk etc." The ...
Felix James over 4 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 0 Planned

Orthophoto/DSM, images shall contains pyramids to offer a better loading in Descartes/CCE/MS

There is no pyramid in the picture. Pyramids are lower resolution copies of the image (the equivalent of the caches that Raster Manager creates). it should contain an option that allows the user to create Geotiffs that contain the pyramids. In thi...
Bruneau St-Jean over 4 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 0

Python SDK matrixToYawPitchRoll

Need similar function to matrixToOmegaPhiKappa but to get yaw pitch roll values for example it could be called matrixToYawPitchRoll.
Oto Lukss over 4 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 0

Set a maximum polygon count on obj files

When we export our mesh as a .obj file, we have the intention of later loading that obj file and displaying it on a Microsoft Hololens device. Unfortunately, the Hololens only supports rendering about 100,000 polygons at a time, so we need to be a...
Marc Rietman over 4 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 0

Custom threshold for the GCPs quality color code in the Calibration report

In the calibration report, the GCP might appear in orange or Red, eventhough the 2D and 3D error is under the final expected tolorance. Indeed, the color code is based on the reprojection error per pixel. It would be great to be able to manually d...
Sylvain Lotteau over 4 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 0

Implementation of a scan editor to successfully merge scans with original scan positions retained

User would like to me able to successfully merge scan and use them for processing. They currently have a workflow where they receive scans merged by a 3rd party that (in E57 format) have a mix of scan positions and where the origin is not central....
Felix James over 4 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 1

Need for an option to ignore N0,E0 gps coordinates

Photos without or wrong GPS data are imported in 0,0 coordinates this causes issues in 3D view display. There is need for an option to ignore N0,E0 gps coordinates. It could be similar message as message in status window for altitude reference.
Felix James over 4 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 0 Planned

SA Geoid 2010 Height Datum

The user is evaluating CC and has found out that the South African Geoid model 2010 is not loaded by default. He requests that we add this to the base product as more users will request as we are selling more CC subscription User: Frank Mehachi of...
Felix James over 4 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 4 Will not implement