When using the potential matches window to mark GCPs, it would be nice if the next image in the sequence - either by distance or name - would be pre loaded into the main window for selection, rather than the user having to select the next image from the image panel at the bottom.
Hi Sylvain,
An option to "nudge" the marked position, maybe by arrow keys or WASD? If there was a keyboard shortcut to mark/accept the position, and also a nudge keyboard shortcut, it could greatly improve the speed of marking photos as the mouse wouldn't be needed apart from the first 2 or 3 photos
Hello, we are currently working on this topic.
what we are testing presently :
- New mode that will automatically go to the next picture in the sequence after a measurement is done on the previous one. (Can be turned on or off)
- New keyboard shortcuts to :
*validate the measurement and go to next picture in the sequence,
*Go back to previous picture in sequence.
I believe that will answer the need you expressed here.
Is there anything else in the survey tab that you would like to see to improve the marking speed ?
Or failing that, give us a keyboard shortcut to advance to the next photo in the sequence (depends on what order you have the photos in the photo-strip at the bottom)