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Ideas & Workflows

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Add scale units to scale constrained web hosted projects.

When I host a geolocated ContextCapture project on my website it comes in with dimensions in either meters or feet depending on the SRS the project is using. However, when I host a project that has the scale created by Scale Constraints during pro...
Scott Ernst almost 2 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 0

New API for Export Quality Report to PDF

I have users buid their own applicaions based on CCC engines, and want to review the quality report through the customized UI, instead of go to CC Master.
Liang Gao over 3 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 0 Planned

SDK: Interact with basemap

Adding basemap using SDK and also interacting with it like read elevation from DTM surface.
Oto Lukss almost 2 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 0

A shared GCP environment for Blocks

A shared space for the blocks like the component workflow in Caturing Reality. When I have multiple blocks that I cannot process together at the start I have to import the GCP’s in every block. This makes no sense when the blocks are in the same s...
peter pankras over 3 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 1

Add more buttons/ links to Help

Add more buttons to the Help Ribbon Tab (Bentley's YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.)
Kurt Rasmussen almost 4 years ago in Bentley Descartes and ContextCapture Editor 0

Group related reality data so they can be managed and consumed as a single entity

In iTwin applications, group related Reality Data so they can be managed as a single entity in the Reality Data Widget.
Guest almost 4 years ago in ProjectWise ContextShare 0

Avoid negative coordinates in ENU

Option to avoid negative coordinates when using ENU. ENU should be calculated from model center or chosen latlon but automatic origin for mesh set to left lower corner so coordinates are always positive. Now it is only to option Automatic or manua...
Oto Lukss almost 2 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 0

Multiple textures in one model

Please add multiple textures support in Reality meshes. The format is limited to only one texture for one mesh which is inconvenient as need to generate multiple models just to create thermal/visibile/intensity/quality textures. Very wasteful appr...
Oto Lukss almost 2 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 0

Easier to set point cloud color source

Why Color source for point clouds can only be set on block settings? There is need to easy create production from point cloudes as color and intensity in same reconstruction. Please add color/intensity source as processing settings.Also after clon...
Oto Lukss almost 2 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 0

Create models in local coordinates

Looking for easier definition of local coordinate systems for mesh reconstruction. It is no secret that building designers do not work in real world coordinate systems nor it is reasonable because of large coordinates, local scale factors and limi...
Oto Lukss almost 2 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 0