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Bentley Descartes and ContextCapture Editor

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Support reference model(a3d) as reality mesh attachment

Now it requires to produce a model so to attach it to DGN for drawing 3D polygons or 3D mesh constraint. It would be more easier to generate just reference model(a3D format) which attach to DGN as later model has to be regenerated.
Oto Lukss over 3 years ago in Bentley Descartes and ContextCapture Editor 0

reality model docking

It would be really nice to have the Reality Model Presentation stay docked from one work session to the next. At the moment we have to open Reality Modeling and then the RM Presentation each time we open the program. I'm not sure why this dialog b...
Scott Ernst almost 4 years ago in Bentley Descartes and ContextCapture Editor 1

Publishing a Vector and his corresponding 3D Tile to Cesium

To create a possibility to publish from CC Editor to Cesium an entire model that include the 3D Tiles and the Design Vector, Mesh or Solid model
Guest over 4 years ago in Bentley Descartes and ContextCapture Editor 0

To Create a command to show the visible and not visible areas on point if view of a CC Model

The idea is to select a view point and to show the visible and not visible areas with different colors, Tha feature is quite often required and our competitors have it for long time... Please see the attached file discribing the feature. That feat...
Guest over 4 years ago in Bentley Descartes and ContextCapture Editor 0