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Bentley Descartes and ContextCapture Editor

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Facade verticality report

Provide tools to report facade verticality difference survey. Could be similar to Volume calculation tool.
Oto Lukss 12 months ago in Bentley Descartes and ContextCapture Editor 0

Extract elevation point (plane)

Allow use extract elevation points in any view not only Top.Idea would be to use extract elevation points by providing custom plane so to annotate difference from plane. For example report vertical slant for facades.
Oto Lukss 12 months ago in Bentley Descartes and ContextCapture Editor 0

Save raster grid

Add option to save raster grid or tile raster grid to separate files.
Oto Lukss almost 2 years ago in Bentley Descartes and ContextCapture Editor 0

Add functionality to produce orthomosaics with arbitrary camera look direction

Modelling vertical cliff faces, I need to produce ortho-imagery where the camera look direction is horizontal. The default nadir imagery does not show the detail of vertical faces due to orientation bias.
Zack Tuckey about 3 years ago in Bentley Descartes and ContextCapture Editor 1

Publish Merge raster resolution unit cm

Add support for resolution units in cm for TIFF export using publish:merge tool. Unable to set exact pixel size in cm if DPI is used as calculation may not be exact.
Oto Lukss about 1 year ago in Bentley Descartes and ContextCapture Editor 0

Publish Merge tool geolocation

Do not add rotation in GEOTIFF or sister files for merging to raster if view is not Top view. If merging facade from reality mesh then sister file is needed to have correct scale(DPI is not helping much for metric) but rotation is wrong as sister ...
Oto Lukss about 1 year ago in Bentley Descartes and ContextCapture Editor 0

Generalize orthogonal

Improve generalize tool to fit orthogonal shapes. For example vectorizing reality meshes or rasters with building outlines. Douglas-Pecker doesn't try to create straight angles.
Oto Lukss about 1 year ago in Bentley Descartes and ContextCapture Editor 0

Drape section limit on surface

When cutting a section through a mesh, the section line is 2d. In an isometric view, it's unclear where the section is. Maybe even hi-light the surface where the section is would help.
Kurt Rasmussen over 3 years ago in Bentley Descartes and ContextCapture Editor 1

Size Limitation creating a Raster Grid from an STM

Using the ground extraction process we can create an STM file without size limitation, but when we try to extract from him a Raster grid, we have a limitation of 50 Million of Pixels. Will be great to cancel that limitation.
Guest over 3 years ago in Bentley Descartes and ContextCapture Editor 1

Import KML & KMZ

It would be very useful to allow the import of KML and KMZ vectors. I am aware of the proposed work around in Sketchup, however, this is an arduous task for multiple files and drawings.
Jason Hagon about 1 year ago in Bentley Descartes and ContextCapture Editor 3