Add Solar exposure analysis in Contextcapture Master/Viewer with ability to embed as texture in 3mx/3sm and calculations(sum area). MicroStation included analysis is poorly implemented and does remeshing even of mesh models which reduces accuracy and viewability.
One of workflow would be as follows:
There is high interest now in installing solar panels on existing buildings or conducting solar analysis.
Existing situation could be captured by photogrammetry or LIDAR then processed in Contextcapture as Reality model
As reality mesh is in real world coordinates it is easy to do solar calculation also weather files could be used to calculate direct and indirect insolation.
The calculation results could be included in mesh model so anyone could measure total insolation with area measurement tools in CC viewer. Also an option to calculate in total kWh received would be nice.
Results from Solar calculations could be used by companies or individuals to do better decisions based on real world data.
Microstation/CCEditor/Descartes already includes Solar exposure so such proposal will be most likely not considered as on paper such feature already exists. But existing approach is CAD based and not too useful if needed for actual work with Reality meshes. Problem is that Microstation tries to remesh the model and results are unusable and that is not actually needed if could be done in one go using Contextcapture.
As now Contextcapture Master includes ground extraction which was previously only in Editor so same approach could be used here.