We frequently have ATs that simply won't work as a single block, meaning they need to be split into sub-blocks. It's possible to do this through a tedious process, but it would be great to have a feature that simplifies it. In particular, there's always the issue of potentially having duplicate images when re-merging blocks -- this should be easy to address. Happy to see that duplicate survey points can now be merged!
Hi Sylvain,
This is more related to blocks that fail during AT, usually due to breaks. This is still a pretty common issue for us with more complex ATs, particularly corridors and areas captured over multiple days. Update 19 is likely to help somewhat, but we'll still have problem cases. Thus we split the block into two or more sub-blocks and would like a simple workflow around this so we don't create duplicate images.
What is the main reason to split the block into sub blocks ? Is it RAM consumption or somthing else ?