Keep survey point selection from 3D View when switching to Surveys tab
It would be handy to keep the survey point selection created in the 3D View when switching to the Surveys tab, enabling us to then multi-edit all those points (usually to switch them to/from check points). This idea is also related to RMI-I-324.
SR7001048874, SR7001048875, SR7001050956 from Mikrokods Ltd Documentation should be more clear as could not find how to initialize blocks. SDK Merge blocks SDK adjust altitude Python SDK matrix to Yaw, Pitch, Roll And other...
I have users buid their own applicaions based on CCC engines, and want to review the quality report through the customized UI, instead of go to CC Master.
When you open CC Console, you see a list of your project history and each has a thumbnail picture. I love this and it usually picks a good pic but I would like to change the image if needed.
User always works in same coordinate system. Would it be possible to set custom default settings. When creating a project these settings could be used.
Need for an option to ignore N0,E0 gps coordinates
Photos without or wrong GPS data are imported in 0,0 coordinates this causes issues in 3D view display. There is need for an option to ignore N0,E0 gps coordinates. It could be similar message as message in status window for altitude reference.
World files from CC for jpg has .wld extension while Microstation uses jgw extension so it doesn't recognise geolocation. At the same time tiff has correct tfw extension. Need to use one naming convention or allow users to choose.