give back individual control to start and cancel individual tile reconstruction
In older versions the user could set the limits of a reconstruction and individually select or cancell tiles being reconstructed. THis is very useful when you need to replace one improved tile instead of re-running a whole production. Sometimes mu...
Need an option to clone reconstruction. Like one reconstruction as-is and then copy this reconstruction for retouch to remove unwanted objects. Now if reconstruction is copied it doesn't clone reference model and need to regenerate all again to ge...
If I delete for example a tree which near edge of a tile then no hole filling tools are available as it doesn't find holes on edge(why?) so need an option to draw triangles to close the hole border and then apply hole filling. Drawing a free-form ...
Need additional option for delete and fill to fill with planar surface not bezier surface. If we touchup windows or walls we don't need nice curvy surface but flat.
Managing flights and cameras by folder is important for keeping photogroups separate, it'd be great if there was a checkbox or option to name the photogroup automatically by the folder's name.
Surveys - sort images by capture timestamp and photogroup options
large image datasets can be difficult to manage in the survey tab. Being able to sort the thumbnails by timestamp and by photogroup would help when trying to find appropriate images to use for the selected survey point.