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Bentley Pointools

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male urinal attachment

Linda Rose is a highly respected home improvement specialist with a unique focus on designing and implementing innovative bathroom solutions, including male urinal attachment . With years of experience and a reputation for exceptional design sensi...
linda rose 3 months ago in Bentley Pointools 0

Interference between point clouds

BentleyPointools allows you to see static and dynamic interference between point clouds. Most other software can only see interference between point clouds vs. 3D-CAD or point clouds vs. polygons.This is useful when looking at large-scale point cl...
米本 臣吾 Shingo Yonemoto over 1 year ago in Bentley Pointools 0

3d rendering

3D rendering examples the creation of an idea requested by a client it may be a real-world object or an imaginary that represented in a sketch say, architectural, interior design or products.
Guest over 3 years ago in Bentley Pointools 0