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Unroll reality mesh

Unroll/unfold/unfurl workflows how to extract building Facade as surface from Reality mesh by unrolling it. For example for inspection of conical or cylindrical structures.
Oto Lukss almost 2 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 0

Crack detector(masonry)

Train crack detector for masonry buildings/structures. Doesn't find cracks or missing mortar joint on bricks.
Oto Lukss almost 2 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 1

Survey GCP fullscreen cursor

Add an option to have fullscreen cursor for easier centering of manual input.
Oto Lukss almost 2 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 0

Ignore metadata for photos without GPS

Ignore geolocation for photos which are on null island.
Oto Lukss almost 2 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 2

Implement the new Saudi Coordinates system KSA-GRF17inside Contextcapture

this is useful for all the projects running in Saudi Arabia because they are implementing this system to link all surveying data to it.
Guest almost 2 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 0

Cesium 3D Tiles - LOD off

The default settings when creating a production as Cesium 3D Tiles is with LOD on. The result is a very low graphic quality that keep getting better when zooming into the model. Please add an option to turn off the LOD so a good graphic quality mo...
Michael Kikinzon almost 2 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 0

[Python SDK] PickPoint function suggestion

Looking for similar to Agisoft pickPoint python methods which finds nearest point on AT points, point cloud or mesh surface. New CC PixelToRay/point3dToPixel functions seems similar to Agisoft unproject function not to pickPoint. This new function...
Oto Lukss almost 2 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 0

Survey - Full Screen

Please add the possibility to change the display in the Survery tab to be full screen. It will be very good if it will be possible to view the images in full screen with floating dialog boxes for the points names and the list of images. Attached a...
Michael Kikinzon almost 2 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 0

Adding overview window into Surveys Tab in ContextCapture for easier photo verification when adding manual tie points.

It would be beneficial to have an overview window when creating manual tie points that shows a 2D ortho view of the surrounding area for easier photo verification. We have sUAS projects that cover wooded and water body areas and it might be severa...
afrc gio almost 2 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 0

Point cloud and Ortophoto = divide by size/number of points

After adding "merge results" in the last updates for point clouds or orthophotos, another step would be to add an option to merge results but in a specified way: point clouds by size, number of points per tile etc. ortophotos by disc space size or...
Guest almost 2 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 0