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ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center

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Layout Change, support multiple screens

Can I put in a request for future builds of Context Capture to have support for multiple screens?​​I've attached a markup , but the main points are:​ Photos able to be 'popped out' into a separate view.​ This separate view would also include the s...
Bruneau St-Jean over 4 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 1

Perspective in view

As there are still no option to set offset when importing photos with bad GPS altitudes and no option to choose which metadata field from photo to use as altitude then at least there is need to have option to disable perspective in view display. B...
Oto Lukss over 4 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 3

Add Polish GEOID to core product

From INFRABERG DIGITIZING SP. Z O.O. - Robert Marcinowski The installed the latest Update 15 release of ContextCapture and noticed that it was missing the Polish GEOID that he had custom made. He requested that this be added to the base product in...
Felix James over 4 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 1 Will not implement

More control on internal files when a crash occurs

In case of power cut or unexpected crash, it happens a block gets corrupted, leading to processing-days loss.It would be interesting to have a sort of back-up mechanism
Arnaud Durante almost 5 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 0

SDK Documentation

SR7001048874, SR7001048875, SR7001050956 from Mikrokods Ltd Documentation should be more clear as could not find how to initialize blocks. SDK Merge blocks SDK adjust altitude Python SDK matrix to Yaw, Pitch, Roll And other...
Bruneau St-Jean almost 5 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 0 Planned

CCM files edition

Sometimes the system and or ContextCapture may crash, which may result in a corrupt CCM file. For this, the technical team can edit the CCM by removing the said corrupt block. In reality, the block is still present in the Project files folder. Th...
Bruneau St-Jean almost 5 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 0 Will not implement

CC SDK trajectory import

User request: CC ccmasterkernel SDK trajectories handler import doesn't allow to import from other formats as only txt. It would be useful if trajectory could be imported directly to Trajectories class as points so for examp le custom binary form...
Bruneau St-Jean almost 5 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 0

Ability to import panorama images

Possibility to import panorama images in Context Capture ( according to the user, Metashape is doing this, but I didn't have the time to test this feature yet)
Lucas Gigodot almost 5 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 1

Engines and job queues status for CCCenter users

Have a dashboard showing the status of all the active engines and job queues for CCCenter users To avoid checking each engines individually. Could be a key-differenciator for CCCenter.
Lucas Gigodot almost 5 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 0

Better handling of Connection Client connection cuts

Better response of the engine when connection client is loosing connection: Switch to offline mode(?), or allow the on-going tasks to complete (?), or allow the engine to run for a few hours(?) Most of the time it is just a connection cut and not ...
Lucas Gigodot almost 5 years ago in ContextCapture and ContextCapture Center 0 Planned